Pride. Anger. Envy or Lust. Gluttony, Sloth, or Greed. What’s enslaving you, or someone you love?

The gospel is the good news that Jesus died to free us from slavery to these deadly sins – and that he rose from the dead so we’d enjoy a whole new life!

‘LIFE: Beyond the 7 Deadly Sins’ is a new series at Rose City Presbyterian Church. We invite you to come and see how Jesus doesn’t just free us from sins, but brings real hope and everlasting joy. Why not join us in church for this series, from 16th July?



Bible Talks

Find all the Bible talks from this series here.


Find the videos and other media for this series here.

Growth Group

Find the materials for our Growth Groups here.

Sunday Handouts

These handouts are given out to everyone who attends church on Sunday – and you can find them here, too.

Songs We Sing

Here you’ll find a list of the songs we sing each week during the term.