
Some of our congregation reflected on this series: LIFE Beyond the 7 Deadly Sins.

Thanks to John Wilson for his poetic reflection.

LIFE: Beyond the 7 Deadly Sins

We’ve been warned about the seven deadly sins,

In my life, they’ve all played a part;

Now Satan, with his vice like grip,

Has tried to tear away my heart.


There’s Sloth & Envy, Lust & Pride,

and don’t forget about Anger;

With Satan you can’t feel satisfied,

But in Christ, you’ll find the answer.


Fruits of the Spirit: by Ezra, Prep

Now Gluttony and Greed are two more sins,

They’re similar I feel;

They’re just so easy to commit,

But they never do fulfil.


When Satan thinks he has control,

with him there is no shame;

All the promises he has made,

You’ll find there is no gain.


When I’ve been involved with all these sins,

I’ve cast the Lord aside;

Even though I’ve turned away from Him,

He’s never left my side.


Christ is all I ever need,

In Him, sin has no place;

As we live our life with Jesus Christ,

Just accept his amazing Grace.


And so my friends, I simply pray,

You’ll not yield to all these sins;

It’s only through our Lord and Christ,

We can find real peace within.


Through our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ,

There’s life beyond these seven deadly sins;

If we seek forgiveness from our Lord,

In him, new life begins!


By John Wilson, September 2017