In January a revitalisation work kicked off in Warwick – heart of the Southern Downs. The local church welcomed a new pastor, with a 3-year plan, a wife and kids, and another whole family from Brisbane in tow. In partnership with the Darling Downs Presbytery, PCQ Ministry Resourcing and Creek Road, the tiny local congregation embraced the need for change and structural renewal. In the 8 months since, the Lord has seen fit to grow His church amidst all the difficulties that wholesale change brings: new name, website, service format, preaching, new ways of relating… so many whole new ways of doing just about, well, everything.
New people have begun joining the church right from the induction service, held in the Warwick Town Hall. Since January over 10 new families have joined us. From no kids in church we have now have over 20. Our little old building is creaking at the seams. Expecting a teenager or two in the first year, the Lord has brought us more than 7 young people for whom we still have no real youth program. In term 1, Kids Church started. In term 2, growth groups (we now have 4). In July, we inducted 2 new (local!) elders. From attendance averaging around 20, the church has grown to average around 50, with our whole church community now pushing 70: men, women, boys and girls; young and old-but-younger-at-heart; singles, couples, widows, widowers – even one blessing in utero, who has just joined us this month!
This term began the search for a new location, and on 8 October our gatherings will change time and place to 9:30am at the much larger Dining Hall of the local Christian school. We are praying for the Lord to keep growing his people so that soon this new building too, will be creaking at the seams.
A regular celebration we have found ourselves enjoying every month or two has been welcoming new members. We try to make each induction unique, honouring the people God is gifting to us – each one a gift. Last week we heard the profession of faith of two more, just before he and his wife joined with our congregation in answering the questions for membership. We’d asked him to share on this question first: “What has God been doing in your heart this year, to bring you to the point of wanting to join His church here today?” This is what he said:
“I would like to share with you a couple of points why I believe the lord has led us to this Church this morning.
A number of years ago, both Lyn and I started to drift away from worship, and the more we drifted away, the easier it became. Satan was in control. And of course, I know God was very sad. Lyn’s health had been far from good, and I was away driving long haul trucks, so excuses not to go to church became easy to make up – to the point I almost believed them myself.
About last October we had both retired. I was now aware there was a lot missing in my life, and something had to be done about it – and quickly. Lyn’s health was improving and I found I could no longer use my work as an excuse.
It was by chance that I met my nephew down the street one day, only to be told a new Pastor had been appointed here at this very church, and the invitation was made to us to attend one Sunday. We were also told the news that our new neighbours were the Pastor and his family.
This of course made excuses more difficult for me to find.
I agreed to attend – sneaking in late, then slipping out early, so no one could see me. I must say I felt very comfortable, once again worshipping amongst other believers, as I had done many years before. I firmly believe God’s hand was guiding me and led me there that day.
Soon after that, Lyn came with me, and we have been worshipping here with you folk since that day.
Our current studies have been based around the 7 deadly sins: Pride, Anger, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth and Greed. All of which I have to deal with, especially Anger. That really hit hard for me. And by worshipping here with you folk, I’m gradually dealing with that.
God has been very gracious to both Lyn and myself as we’ve battled along. And so for you folk to hear how God has led us to this point, I am asking that you all might welcome us into membership of this church, that we can all grow as one in Christ Jesus.”
Please pray for us in Warwick – at the new ‘Rose City Presbyterian Church’ – as Paul commanded the Thessalonians to pray: “That the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1)
Want to give to the revitalisation of the church in Warwick?
Direct Credit Rose City Presbyterian Church
BSB 817-001
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